Affordable Flowers For Your Mehendi Ceremony

Affordable Flowers For Your Mehendi Ceremony

Whether you are planning an intimate indoors Mehendi ceremony, or an extravagant fun affair in the outdoors, flowers play a huge role in decking up all the pre-wedding ceremonies. There are certain flowers that are pretty popular with the Mehendi ceremony. This is because they match the theme and color palette of the usual Mehendi ceremonies that have been in place for the last couple of decades.

Such is the beauty of Indian flowers! Before you look for imported flower dealers to grab exotic flowers for all the flower arrangements, give a glance at these locally grown flowers that suit the vibe of the Mehendi ceremony well. Purchasing locally grown flowers from local artisans is mutually beneficial to everyone. When you buy bulk flowers from local vendors, you get them at cheaper rates than exotic flowers. Exotic flowers may not be seasonal and they are imported from elsewhere, costing much more.

Supporting local vendors is very sustainable for everyone. Take a look at some flowers that look amazing for the Mehendi ceremony, be it for floral arrangements, or your floral accessories.

mehendi floral decor

Genda Phool

Thinking of classic Indian flowers? Nothing can come to your mind before traditional marigold flowers. Marigolds are considered to be very auspicious flowers in Indian traditions. Besides marriages, they are regularly used in poojas, so it is a no brainer that the holy sanctimony is passed on to wedding traditions as well. These flowers are used in the mandap during the actual wedding rituals. But there is no reason why you can’t use them for all your pre-wedding ceremonies.

Marigolds come in yellow and orange shades, making them fit for the Haldi and Mehendi ceremonies. These flowers are also very inexpensive which is why you spot them at weddings frequently. When you grab these wholesale flowers, they will cost you even lesser! You can spend the amount saved on some other wedding décor.
The hues of marigold flowers go well with multi colored décor and bold colors, such as bright pink, green and yellow. All of which can make the Mehendi ceremony a vibrant affair. Floral accessories knitted up using these flowers also looks great with the light and breezy Mehendi outfit that you shall adorn.

wedding decor

Blooming Roses

We love roses, you love roses, everyone loves roses! Roses fall under the category of the most versatile and varied flowers. If you are looking for a vibrant flower décor but you don’t want a lot of flowers looking different and vague, roses should be your go to choice! They come in so many different colors, from the bright red of love to light pastels. Even black, if you wish to add some gothic charm to the wedding.

Roses are the number one choice for a lot of people. But since they are slightly on the expensive side, people tend to order lesser of them and use their petals for décor, instead of whole flowers. You can opt to decorate the venue with other flowers, and the key elements that you wish to highlight, such as the backdrop behind the bride’s chair for the Mehendi ceremony. Roses can act as the highlighting flower.

Rose petals strung around for the backdrop also look lovely! An entire wall of big fresh rose blooms is a wonderful addition to the vibrant Mehendi ceremony.

trendy wedding mehendi setup


When you think of Haldi and Mehendi ceremonies, your mind will automatically shift to yellow and dark green hues. This is because of the themes that are attached to the ceremonies. If you wish to go traditional with the color palettes, vibrant yellow flowers can make your day.

Whole sunflower blossoms look lovely, whether in a bouquet for beautification, or any other element for the venue. Since it brings a bright yellow charm to the table, you can pair these blooms with ivory or beige décor elements, such as for the drapes. Pairing them with a subtle shade will really make the bright yellow pop, and that is all you want!

Sunflowers also look lovely in their natural setting. So if you are having an outdoors Mehendi ceremony, don’t miss out on this lovely flower!

We hope you liked the variety that Indian flowers have to offer. After all, there is nothing better than what is ‘Made in India’.

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