Flowers That Love Summer

Flowers That Love Summer

The summer season is all great until that 35+ degrees temperature hits you. We humans cannot withstand that heat of the summer season but on contrary, the flora loves this heat. Various flower plants love the summer season. In this blog, we are going to discuss all these summer-loving flower plants.


Plantation always works in the favor of human beings. In summer, it becomes even more important. The freshness and coolness provided by gardens are something else. All these summer-loving plants if grown in your garden will eventually help you in coping with the summer heat.



I don’t think this flower needs any introduction. Symbol of love and compassion, the rose has a variety of roles to play in our lives. In poems, movies roses have played a major part. Not just in the entertainment industry, but roses do have a vital role to play in commercial industries as well. In various food products, oil products, and perfumes, roses are used. 


This kind of benefit doesn’t come easily. Roses require high maintenance and care. Their fragrance invites pests also, so you have to keep this thing in mind as well.



The name itself shows how much it loves the sun. This flower follows the sun!

It is indeed the best flower to grow in the summer season. The bright color adds a lot of beauty to the garden, trust me on this.


Apart from beauty, it is also used in the oil industry. To get the best of this flower you have to make sure there is a lot of sunlight in your backyard and avoid overwatering. Remember these gardening tips to have a smooth growth of sunflowers in your garden.



An evergreen flower that is present everywhere! I bet everyone will agree with me on this definition of marigold. Whether it’s a wedding or a religious festival, marigold has a huge demand. Not just here, but even in the flora industry as well, marigold has a great demand due to its bug repellent effect. Many gardeners use this flowering plant to attract bees to their garden.


So many benefits yet one can easily grow marigolds in their garden. It is an annual plant and requires low maintenance. Partial sunlight is enough for it. Yes, but with proper sunlight and care, this flower will grow to its fullest. Having marigold in your backyard will help you in the repelling of mosquitoes and uplift the air quality due to its strong scent.



Just like marigold, mogra is also one of those flowers which can be seen at every event. This flower is popularly known as jasmine and has a very unbeatable attractive fragrance. Its application largely lies in perfume and ayurvedic medicine.


Unlike marigolds, these flowers require a lot of care. Extreme temperature and continuous watering should be there. The ideal temperature is around 20-30 degrees temperature and the soil should be wet. You can also use fertilizers for better growth and results.


Morning Glory

Just like many of us, you guys are also wondering why it is called morning glory. Well, the reason is that it only blooms in the morning. There is some exception as some of these plant species bloom at night as well but majorly, it blooms only in the morning.


The rubber processing and medicinal industry require this flower. The growth is rapid and it can bloom in different colors such as pink, magenta, purple-blue, and white.


You have to be cautious while growing this plant. Morning glory cannot survive poor soil conditions. Neither too much moisture nor too much dryness, the soil has to be in a middle state. It is a slow starter, but after some time catches pace in its growth. Also, try to keep it in a place where there are no heavy winds. 



We are ending this blog with the gardener’s favorite one i.e. Pentas. The reason why gardener loves this flower is the requirement of low maintenance. Also, this flower brings beauty along with some butterflies. These flowers blossom in bunches requiring little care. 


It can grow in any soil and can withstand any hot temperatures. Although it thus requires 8 hours of sunlight for its best growth.


Final Words

What is tough for us is not necessarily tough for others. These flowers truly justify this point. For now, the list ends with Pentas but there will be more such blogs. So keep reading at Flower Bazaaar.


For any business related to flowers (imported flowers also comes under our services!)  such as buying or selling, you can check us out at Flower Bazaaar. Everyone is welcome here.


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