The Calla Lily: The beautiful lily that’s not really a lily

The Calla Lily: The beautiful lily that’s not really a lily

Native to South Africa, the calla lily is now grown worldwide as an ornamental flower. They look stunning in a bouquet as many brides would agree. It symbolizes good luck and also considered to bring happiness for the married couple. They became famous due to numerous illustrations in paintings of many famous artists.

They come in different varieties  and each color depicts different meanings like the most common color white depicts innocence, yellow- gratitude and the black calla lily is an epitome of mystery and elegance. So, along with beauty, calla lilies will add meaning to your ceremony too.

Mythological reference

The word ‘calla’ is a Greek word that means beauty. According to the Greek mythology, calla lilies came into existence due to Goddess Hera, the wife of Zeus.  As Zeus wanted his son, Hercules to be strong he brought him to nurse him by Hera, while she was asleep. Suddenly, she woke up and pushed the baby away, as a result the milk droplets created a milky way as they flew across the sky and the lilies bloomed everywhere the milk droplets landed on earth.

On the contrary, the roman mythology depicts that Venus, the goddess of love saw the flowers and felt envious of its pure blossom and beauty, so she cursed the flower with an unattractive pistil. Nevertheless, calla lilies are still adored for their allure and charm.

Is it really a lily?

Calla lilies have no connection to lilies at all. A Swedish botanist mistakenly named them so when they were first cataloged in the 18th century. Botanically speaking, they are part of the Araceae family, along with caladium and philodendron. After a while, a Germen botanist even created a genus Zantedeschia but it was already pretty famous BY the existing name.

Decoration Ideas

As versatile as they can be, calla lilies can be used in almost all kinds of themes. Be it a classic, modern or minimalistic theme, these flowers can add elegance anywhere. The best way to show off them is by using them in your bouquet. They will look as lovely as you while walking down the aisle. They would look great as centerpieces too.  You won’t be needing much as they are pretty huge in size. In fact a single bud would be enough. They have no smell so they are perfect if you or any of your guests are allergic.

They are pretty commonly used as an inspiration for floral cakes too, as the shape of the flowers are easy to make on sugar.

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