The Sacred Marigold Flower

The Sacred Marigold Flower

There is a reason for everything! Especially in religious events, every action has its own importance or significance. Just like this, the Marigold flower too has a spiritual meaning and significance. Surely that is the reason why it is among those flowers that are more frequently found in religious or auspicious events. In this blog, we are going to discuss the significance of the marigold flower.


The very first purpose of the Marigold flower is found in the formation of garlands. We prefer using it in garlands due to its protective properties. It is also used for commercial purposes such as in Murtis to keep insects away from them. 


Spiritual Significance of Marigold Flower in Hinduism

This flower represents goodness. All flowers do so, but most of the time it is used as a symbol of goodwill or goodness. Its orange color represents abandonment or you can even say sacrifice. Whenever any human being offers this flower to god, it means they are surrendering themselves. This surrender is a not sign of weakness, instead, it means that they are giving themselves to their god. 


Vijaydashmi is the day when lord ram defeated Ravana, guess what this flower is an integral part of that day. This just shows that Marigold simply says highlights the trust in god. Just leave everything to your god and every negativity will automatically be eliminated from your way. This is what Marigold means.


Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi, both gods are also related to the Marigold flower. Hindu history says that the marigold flower is a perfect match for our gods.


As we have talked about mythology and what are the beliefs, why not let’s get into the modern era and see what position the marigold flower holds there.


Significance of Marigold Flower in Today’s World 

You have often seen the marigold flowers in the performing of the last rituals of our brave soldiers. Why is it so? Why only this flower, not any other? The loss is very big and cannot be covered ever, thus the tribute becomes much more important.


The reason is that the USI (United Service Institution of India) has proposed to consider the Marigold flower as the Indian symbol of remembrance. This is why the Marigold flower is used while performing the last rituals of our brave soldiers.


Significance of Marigold Flower in Christianity

Not just in Hinduism but even in Christianity also, the marigold flower holds a lot of significance. The seeds of the Marigold flower are considered the symbol of auspiciousness. It tells us to have patience, to wait for the almighty to do their job, and have full faith and trust in him. 


March 25 is celebrated as the Feast of the Annunciation. The day when Mother Mary gets to know about the arrival of Jesus Christ from the Angel Gabriel. This day is very important in Christianity and even here as well the marigold flower is used on this special day. People offer the marigold flower to Mother Mary.


Commercial Importance of the Marigold Flower

Marigolds are a must for the garden. Not only do they keep flies away but at the same time bring many beneficial insects to the garden as well. These include butterflies, bees, ladybugs, etc. in addition to beneficial insects the marigold flower also brings brightness just like the color of the sun to your yard. 


Although they don’t require a lot of care if the necessities are provided properly, they will take the look of your yard to the next level. You can protect your vegetables from pests through marigolds as well as they are great for defending.


Basic Requirements and Tips

As already mentioned, marigolds don’t have a lot of requirements. An area where sunlight is available is enough for them. Try to have a little bit of shade as well as it will help on extreme summer days otherwise, marigolds can tolerate the whole day of sunlight. Water them regularly and sow seeds 1 inch apart. It should be planted in early spring. After the plantation, marigolds grow at full speed.


Final Words

So we can say that everything has a deeper meaning. Whether it’s non-living or living, there are various shades of everything. Just like that most of the flowers has a lot of varieties of shades and guess where you can get them, here at Flower Bazaaar. So whenever in need of buying or selling flowers, all you have to do is to reach Flower Bazaaar.


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