Beginner-Friendly Easy-To-Grow Flowers

Beginner-Friendly Easy-To-Grow Flowers

How do you walk down a staircase? Stey by step, right? Because that is the proper and safest way. The other way may be the quickest but not the safest! You can probably apply this mantra everywhere. Let’s talk about gardening! You cannot become an expert in gardening or can grow any flower you want. The best way to succeed in gardening is to opt for beginner-friendly easy-to-grow flowers.


It is important to go with easy-to-grow flowers as growing flora is not everyone’s cup of tea. It requires a lot of care, patience, and hard work to succeed in gardening. So always start as a beginner no matter how much knowledge you have.



The list begins with sunflower. This easy-to-grow flower blooms all summer. The best part about sunflower is that it is heat tolerant. You do not have to worry about sunflower’s exposure to the sun until and unless there is extreme hotness. When it comes to soil, it can survive in any soil but just make sure it is not water-logged.


Having this flower in your yard will add a lot of beauty to it. The sunflower is itself an eye-pleasing site and even brings a lot of butterflies and birds with itself adding more charms to your garden.



Next comes the marigolds. This flower blooms almost all year, especially in spring, summer, and fall. You do not have to work hard in its growth, just have to keep some little things in mind. As soon as you sow seeds, it grows quickly. Water them regularly, and allow them to dry in between. 


The soil should be well-drained but the marigold can even grow in dry and sandy gardens. It even helps in repelling mosquitoes. So with marigold in your yard, you can peacefully enjoy your evening with your family without the disturbance of mosquitoes.



The blooming months of lavender are not too much. It’s just from late June to August. Keeping aside its blooming months, this flower is very good as it gives you the benefits of both sunflower and marigold. It brings butterflies and bees with itself just like a sunflower and also repels mosquitoes similar to a marigold. 


The best lavender comes in full sun and you will require well-drained soil as well.




If you can grow marigold well then this flower is no tough task for you. All its requirements are very much similar to that of marigolds. You will require well-drained soil but incase if it is not available, do not can even grow well in sandy or dry gardens just like marigolds.


It blooms almost throughout the year and can even repel mosquitoes. Cosmos has some ranges of colors as well such as orange, pink, and white.


Wax Begonias

You have to make sure that your yard has some shady region when looking to grow Wax Begonias. As this flower gives its best when grown in partial sun exposure and receives shade as well. It blooms during the summer and fall.


The soil must be fertile and you have to water it consistently. Remember you have to be consistent, do not overwater it. It is a perennial flower and comes in orange, pink, yellow, and white colors.



Talking about flowers and still no discussion of scents. Well, here we go! Dianthus is that one flower that will provide your yard with some attractive scent. It can grow in full sun as well as in light shade. Plant it in soil that is well-drained and then watch it bloom from May to August.



What is the biggest issue that every gardener faces? Extreme weather conditions. Too much is never good, whether it’s hotness or coldness. This flower can survive full sun or the shade of afternoon even in hot climates. In addition to this, it also brings birds with it. This is among the best easy to grow flowers and should surely be grown by beginner gardeners.


Geraniums’ color ranges from white, pink, red, and purple. You can hang these flowers in baskets.


Final Words

Although this blog contains only beginner-friendly easy-to-grow flowers that is surely not the case with Flower Bazaaar. Here you can buy and sell any kind of flower. Whether it’s Indian flowers or imported ones, Flower Bazaaar has it all. Do visit us.

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