Flowers Wedding Planners Choose

Flowers Wedding Planners Choose

I am not going to waste a single moment as the topic that I am going to present in front of you is very interesting. We are going to deal with someone’s favorite flower. Is it us? Not! It’s the wedding planners! We are going to take a look at the list of flowers the wedding planners make for your dream wedding decor. In short, we will see some of their favorite flowers and will find out why it is so. Let’s begin!


Cherry Blossoms

The most important thing for a bride and groom is their entry. They expect a lot from the wedding planners to arrange a fantastic entry plan for them. The plan involves decor so it becomes a huge responsibility of the wedding planners to plan wonderful decor. All these needs can be fulfilled by cherry blossoms.


You can decorate the whole entry passage whether it is the main entrance or the passage towards the mandap with the help of cherry blossoms.  When applied lighting they give a view, I bet no one can take their eyes from. The flower gives the vibes of a frost or a spring wedding as well. So you can even use them if you are planning for a frost or spring theme wedding or having your wedding in that particular season.



When the wedding planners sit to discuss the decor plan, they come across the department of flowers. Without even mentioning, roses would have already made it to their list. This shows how special the flower is. The flowers are not restricted to any particular occasion or category. You can use them anywhere. This is the reason why roses are termed wedding planners’ favorite flowers.


Whether it is your mehndi or Haldi, you can use them as floral accessories. They can be used for the decor plan of such ceremonies. The mandap or entrance can be decorated with roses. You can even have a backdrop of roses as a photobooth. The opportunities are much more, you just have to grab one with both hands.




Marigold for us and the majority of people is a sacred flower. We would suggest you have them in mandaps for pujas and special ceremonies. The same thinking is with all the wedding planners. We all make sure the marigold is there in the mandap.  But all these things don’t mean you cannot use them in other decor plans.


Marigolds can be used in all options. It’s just that you have to adjust all the other background colors according to that. The bright orange color is going to be the theme of your wedding if you go for marigolds. You can use the yellow shades as well, especially in your Haldi event. The yellow color will perfectly match the Haldi decor. This is why wedding planners often go with marigolds for auspicious and Haldi ceremonies.


Wisteria Vines

Whenever the couple asks for a classy decor and aesthetic look, Wisteria Vines is the go-to flower for wedding planners. The flowers come in a wide range of colors including lilac, white and pink. The decor plans with this flower will surely work out. It doesn’t matter what ceremonies you choose.


Some wedding planners prefer to use these flowers in the form of hangings. You can decorate your ceiling, mandap, or entrance gate. The brides can even use Wisteria Vines for their Phoolon ki chadar. So overall, the perfect flower for the wedding and the wedding planners.



Carnations are one of the favorite flowers of wedding planners as it allows them to go for colorful decor without having much stress. The flower itself comes in a variety of colors so the wedding planners don’t have to plan much for delivering a colorful decor or a backdrop as a wedding prop. 



So these are all the favorite flowers of the wedding planners and I am sure after looking at them, you too are going to love them. Also, you can love one more thing by just looking at it for once. It is our website, Flower Bazaaar. We deal with the business of flowers and if you do the same or require doing so, do visit us. It is going to help you a lot!


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