How Can You Keep Your Flowers Fresh For Longer?

How Can You Keep Your Flowers Fresh For Longer?

We all adore a delicate, vivid bouquet of quality blooms when it comes to flowers! A top-notch bouquet, whether it’s roses, lilies, or tulips, is always a treat. While receiving flowers improves our day and can bring a smile to our faces for the entire week, we would certainly love receiving flowers every day right?

A bouquet’s lifespan can be said to be between 5 and 7 days. It depends on your flower growers and the company you purchase your flowers from. As we have previously stated, we all adore flowers and desire to have them in our lives for as long as possible. The only issue is how quickly the lovely blooms you received may wilt away. But don’t worry, there are a couple of smart hacks that can prolong the lifespan of a flower to the maximum.

We have compiled a list of hacks that you can try so your flowers live for as long as possible before wilting off. Have a look:

10 Tips on How to Keep Fresh Cut Flowers Alive Longer - Urban Design Flowers

Some Sugar Never Did No Harm

Contrary to the common misconception, a fizzy drink can actually do more good for your flowers than harm them. But all in the proper proportion of course. If you add it in excess, it will damage the roots of your flowers and ruin them before their time. How much quantity is sufficient enough, you ask? Well, a quarter of a can of a sugary drink should suffice for a bouquet of flowers.

The sugary drink has carbohydrates that can feed the stem, so pouring it in is always a smarter option. But we get why some people may be skeptical when it comes to fizzy drinks. They are often colored and ruin the water’s color as well when added to the vase. If you have a clear vase, you can always add a clear sugary drink to avoid your water getting discolored and dirty.

How to Make Flowers Last Longer: 9 Tricks | ProFlowers

Chop It Off

Taking care of flowers automatically reverts to trimming off the stems whenever required. But are you aware of how exactly you must trim the stem? Although it might sound very easy, trimming the stem is a very delicate task. You must use scissors, instead of knives to trim the stem. Knives are very sharp as compared to scissors,. It may crush the stem when you try to cut the stem’s foundation.

When you trim off the flower’s stem occasionally, you ensure that the water and all essential nutrients that the flower needs are reaching the petal head quicker. Now they have to embark on a shorter journey!

What is Flower Food And How Much Is Too Much? | The Koch Blog

Don’t Put Your Flowers In Danger

Bacteria is an everlasting threat to flowers. You need to ensure that the flowers are in a clean space, so before you place them in a vase, make sure you wash the vase thoroughly to avoid any damaging bacteria. Hot, soapy water is a great cleansing agent.

Once you place the flowers in the vase, replace the water timely, and keep adding new flower food to the water so your flowers can have enough nutrients. Minimal bacteria and sufficient nutrients should be your mantra for flower care!

Woman smelling a bouquet of Romantic Vuvuzela Roses. | premium image by / Jira | Smelling flowers, Floral photography, Beautiful flowers

Re-Enact Their Natural Environment

Flowers thrive well in their natural setting. While you may not be able to recreate the natural setting of a garden at your home, you can easily make it feel like it for your flowers. Flowers love growing in the garden, where they receive ample rainfall in all their parts, from the petal head to the stem and roots. This helps them gain enough moisture for growth.

You must spray your flowers with sufficient water daily. Make sure you give extra focus to the petal heads so that they bloom up.

How to Keep Flowers Fresh With Bleach in Flower Water | Clorox®

Make Sure You Get The Perfect Vase

Your flower bouquet needs to go in the vase that is right for it. If you purchased bulk flowers with fuller blooms, you can’t place them in a small vase as they will get all cramped up. If your bouquet is too small but your vase is bigger, the bouquet will look too tiny.

Ensure that you choose a vase based on the size of your bouquet. Give your flowers ample space to breathe so they can grow beautifully.

If you love these flower care tips, head on over to Flower Bazaaar to purchase some lovely imported flowers!

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